منتدى كل العرب
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منتدى كل العرب

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امتحانات وزارة الصحه الاماراتيه للصيادلة............ Emptyالأربعاء 01 فبراير 2023, 7:39 pm من طرف شوشو محمود محمد

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امتحانات وزارة الصحه الاماراتيه للصيادلة............ Emptyالأربعاء 01 فبراير 2023, 7:32 pm من طرف شوشو محمود محمد

» شركه صيانه افران بالرياض ٠٥٠٩٥٠٢٥٠٦
امتحانات وزارة الصحه الاماراتيه للصيادلة............ Emptyالجمعة 18 مارس 2022, 6:15 am من طرف شوشو محمود محمد

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امتحانات وزارة الصحه الاماراتيه للصيادلة............ Emptyالجمعة 18 مارس 2022, 6:11 am من طرف شوشو محمود محمد

» صيانة افران بالرياض تنظيف افران بالرياض 0509905574
امتحانات وزارة الصحه الاماراتيه للصيادلة............ Emptyالسبت 28 أغسطس 2021, 1:58 pm من طرف شوشو محمود محمد

» شركة تعقيم بالرياض تعقيم منشات بالرياض 0509502506
امتحانات وزارة الصحه الاماراتيه للصيادلة............ Emptyالجمعة 19 فبراير 2021, 6:49 pm من طرف شوشو محمود محمد

» صيانة دفايات غاز بالرياض صيانة افران بالرياض 0509502506
امتحانات وزارة الصحه الاماراتيه للصيادلة............ Emptyالثلاثاء 16 فبراير 2021, 7:57 pm من طرف شوشو محمود محمد

» سباك بالرياض تسليك مجاري كشف تسربات بالرياض 0509502506
امتحانات وزارة الصحه الاماراتيه للصيادلة............ Emptyالإثنين 08 فبراير 2021, 6:43 am من طرف شوشو محمود محمد

» شركة مكافحة حشرات بالرياض رش مبيدات صحة عامه 0509502506
امتحانات وزارة الصحه الاماراتيه للصيادلة............ Emptyالإثنين 25 مايو 2020, 9:09 pm من طرف شوشو محمود محمد

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امتحانات وزارة الصحه الاماراتيه للصيادلة............ Emptyالسبت 29 فبراير 2020, 6:57 am من طرف شوشو محمود محمد

» شركة تنظيف مكيفات بالرياض0509502506
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» صيانة افران بالرياض تنظيف افران 0509502506
امتحانات وزارة الصحه الاماراتيه للصيادلة............ Emptyالسبت 29 فبراير 2020, 6:52 am من طرف شوشو محمود محمد

» شركة مكافحة حشرات بالرياض رش مبيدات صحة عامه 0509502506
امتحانات وزارة الصحه الاماراتيه للصيادلة............ Emptyالجمعة 05 يوليو 2019, 7:32 pm من طرف شوشو محمود محمد

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امتحانات وزارة الصحه الاماراتيه للصيادلة............ Emptyالسبت 01 يونيو 2019, 6:19 am من طرف شوشو محمود محمد

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فاروق السيد سيف
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قطرى وافتخر
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المتواجدون الآن ؟
ككل هناك 21 عُضو متصل حالياً :: 0 عضو مُسجل, 0 عُضو مُختفي و 21 زائر :: 1 روبوت الفهرسة في محركات البحث

لا أحد

أكبر عدد للأعضاء المتواجدين في هذا المنتدى في نفس الوقت كان 506 بتاريخ الأربعاء 02 مارس 2011, 11:12 am
هذا المنتدى يتوفر على 32870 عُضو.
آخر عُضو مُسجل هو M ASEM فمرحباً به.

أعضاؤنا قدموا 25246 مساهمة في هذا المنتدى في 12443 موضوع
سحابة الكلمات الدلالية
مكافحة شركة حشرات تنظيف

نتائج البحث
Rechercher بحث متقدم
المواضيع الأكثر نشاطاً
أثبت حــضـــــــــــورك ...أشراف ابو عاصــــــــم
مدرسة الحزن
إضحـــك مع الشـــعب المصـــرى ودمـــه الخفـــــيف الرجاء التواصل من الجميع
المقابله الثامنة....... ابو شادي معنا تحت الاضواء
مدرسة الفرح
لكل من يجد فى نفسه المقدره على الاشراف فليتقدم ..اشراف ابو عاصم
المقابلة السابعة مع الأخ ابو عاصم معنا تحت الأضواء
مدرسة حب الله
امتحانات وزارة الصحه الاماراتيه للصيادلة............
المقابله الرابعه مع الاخت ملاك العرب ايمي
مواضيع مماثلة

شاطر | 

 امتحانات وزارة الصحه الاماراتيه للصيادلة............

استعرض الموضوع التالي استعرض الموضوع السابق اذهب الى الأسفل 
انتقل الى الصفحة : 1, 2, 3  الصفحة التالية
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
ابو العيال
انا عربـــــــــي
ابو العيال

امتحانات وزارة الصحه الاماراتيه للصيادلة............ 40d2a710
ذكر عدد الرسائل : 3396
العمر : 51
تاريخ التسجيل : 07/10/2008

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بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم..
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
احببت ان اقدم لكم هذة الاسئلة وهى منقولة
حتى يستفيد منها كل صيدلى فى المنتدى

يلا نبدأ
وهى عبارة عن 8 مجموعات من الاسئلة
كل مجموعة تحتوى على 100 سؤال

امتحانات وزارة الصحه الاماراتيه للصيادلة............ 9vh13310

المجموعة الاولى جزء 1

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1- Which of the following is not an indication for Tranexamic Acid ?i
a- Treatment of heamorrhage associated with excessive fibrinolysis
b- An antidote for Streptokinase overdose
c- Prophylaxis of hereditary angioedma
d- Prevent heammorhage due to Heparin overdose

i2- Which of the following drugs does not cause insomnia ?i
a- MAOI’s
b- Caffeine
c- Beta blockers
d- Barbiturates

امتحانات وزارة الصحه الاماراتيه للصيادلة............ 9vh13310

i3- Which of the following is a lipid lowering drugs ?i
a- Aprotinin
b- Tranexamic acid
c- Lansoprazole
d- Acipimox

i4- Which of the following H2 receptors antagonist has the highest affinity for cytochrome p450 ?i
a- Nizatidine
b- Ranitidine
c- Cimetidine
d- Famotidine

i5- Which of the following side effects will be caused by antacids containing NAHCO3?i
a- Belching
b- Constipation
c- Diarrhea
d- Blurred vision

i6- Which of the following is a dopamine antagonist?i
a- Granisetron
b- Domperidone
c- Cisapride
d- Loperamide

i7- Which of the following drugs is a systemic amoebicide?i
a- Diloxamide furoate
b- Pyrimethamine
c- Emetin
d- Sodium Stibogluconate


امتحانات وزارة الصحه الاماراتيه للصيادلة............ Clickh10

i8- Which of the following drugs is the drug may cause discolouration of nail beds and mucus membranes?i
a- Tetracycline
b- Chloroquine
c- Doxycycline
d- Rifampicin

i9- Which of following drugs is the drug of choice for the treatment of all forms of Schistosomiasis?i
a- Praziquantel
b- Mebendazole
c- Niclosamide
d- Thiabendazole

امتحانات وزارة الصحه الاماراتيه للصيادلة............ 9vh13310

i10- Which of the following drugs can be used for the treatment of influenza A infection ?i
a- Zidovudine(AZT)i
b- Amantadine
c- Ribavarin
d- Vidarabine

امتحانات وزارة الصحه الاماراتيه للصيادلة............ 9vh13310


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 الموضوع الأصلي : امتحانات وزارة الصحه الاماراتيه للصيادلة............  المصدر : منتدى كل العرب


عدل سابقا من قبل ابو العيال في الخميس 02 مايو 2013, 8:16 pm عدل 4 مرات
 الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
ابو العيال
انا عربـــــــــي
ابو العيال

امتحانات وزارة الصحه الاماراتيه للصيادلة............ 40d2a710
ذكر عدد الرسائل : 3396
العمر : 51
تاريخ التسجيل : 07/10/2008

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المجموعة الاولى جزء 2

i11- Which of the following drugs is used in the treatment of Leishmaniasis?i
a- Pyrimethamine
b- Diloxamide
c- Sodium Stibogluconate
d- Emetin

i12- Which one of the following statements about tetracycline is not correct?i
a- It is useful for the treatment of resistant strains
b- It is contraindicated in pregnancy
c- It is safe in infections caused by Chlamydia
d- It can lead to discolouration of teeth if given to children

i13- Which of the following drug will antagonize Methotrexate?i
a- Thiamine
b- Folic acid
c- Biotin
d- Cyanocobalamin

i14- lodine is found in all of the following except:i
a- Cod liver oil
b- Sea food
c- Kelp
d- Iodized salt

i15- Match the statements (1- 4) to the trace elements (A-D) listed below.each answer may be used more than once

a- Zinc b- Copper c- Chromium d- Selenium

i1. Formation of red and white blood cells
i2. Protects cells against damage during cellular m etabolism
i3. Promotes wound healing and normal growth
i4. Helps maintain normal glucose m etabolism

i16- Match the drug characteristics (1- 4) with the drug listed below (a-d). each answer may be used more than once
a- Auranofin
b- Pencillamine
c- Aspirin
d- Corticosteroids

i1- Platelet function effect
i2- Oral form of gold
i3- Given on an empty stomach
i4- May be given intra articularly

i17- for each side effect (1- 4) list the most likely cause (a-d). each answer may be used more than onces

a- Sodium Bicarbonate
b- Aluminium Hydroxide
c- Amitriptyline
d- Magnesium Hydroxide

i1- May cause diarrhea
i2- Should not be used by patient of heart failure
i3- May cause dry mouth
i4- Can be incorporated with an antacids mixture to control diarhoea

i18- Pyridoxine requirements may increase during administration of all the following except:i
a- Isoniazid
b- Cycloserine
c- Oral contraceptives
d- Levodopa

i19- All of the following preparations contain alcohol except:i
a- Syrup simplex
b- Aromatic ammonia spirit USP
c- Terpin hydrate elixir USP
d- Belladona tincture B.P

i20- Wich of the following solutions is used as an astringent?i
a- Strong iodine soluotin USP
b- Aluminium acetate topical solution USP
c- Acetic acid NF
d- Benzalkonium chloride solution NF

 الموضوع الأصلي : امتحانات وزارة الصحه الاماراتيه للصيادلة............  المصدر : منتدى كل العرب


 الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
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امتحانات وزارة الصحه الاماراتيه للصيادلة............ 40d2a710
ذكر عدد الرسائل : 3396
العمر : 51
تاريخ التسجيل : 07/10/2008

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المجموعة الاولى جزء 3

i21- anextrapyramidal adverse effects is caused by the blocking of:i
a- Serotonin receptors in the brain
b- Acetylcholine receptors in the brain
c- Dopamine receptors in the brain
d- Dopamine receptors outside the brain
i22-A rare side effect of some anticonvulsants is Stevens-Johnson
syndrome.this is a severe:i
a- Skin reaction
b- Bone marrow toxicity
c- Renal failure
d- CNS suppression
i23-If a women,receiving carbamazepine becomes pregnant,it is
important that she receives daily supplements of :i
a- Vit A
b- Vit B6
c- Folic acid
d- Riboflavin
i 24-Which of the following are side effects of phenytoin treatment?i
a- Acne
b- Hirsuitism
c- Gingival hyperplasia
d- a,b,and c
i25-Which drug is considered as Alpha-1- Adrenergic blocker : i
a- Hydralazine
b- Minoxidil
c- Prazosin
d- Guanethidine

i26-Nitroglycerin-all the following are true except :i
a- Can be dispensed in hospital pack of 500 and 1000 tabs
b- Containers must be made of glass and be covered with a tight-fitting ----l
c- Close tightly after use
d- Tablets must be stored at controlled R.T
e- Tablets not to be refrigerated
i27-The most important adverse reaction to terbutaline is :i
a- Tachycardia
b- CNS stimulation
c- Fine muscle tremor
d- Gastric irritation
e- All of the above

i28-Which of the following is true about Penicillin V ?i
a- It is inactivated by gastric acid
b- It is acid stable
c- It is more active than Benzylpencillin
d- It is absorbed better after foods
i29- Which of the following is a quinolone antibiotic ?i
a- Clindamycin
b- Chlortetracycline
c- Ciprofloxacin
d- Clarithromycin
i30-Tuberculosis is caused by a :i
a- Mycoplasma
b- Mycobacterium
c- Micrococcus
d- Microbacter

 الموضوع الأصلي : امتحانات وزارة الصحه الاماراتيه للصيادلة............  المصدر : منتدى كل العرب


 الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
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امتحانات وزارة الصحه الاماراتيه للصيادلة............ 40d2a710
ذكر عدد الرسائل : 3396
العمر : 51
تاريخ التسجيل : 07/10/2008

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مُساهمةموضوع: رد: امتحانات وزارة الصحه الاماراتيه للصيادلة............   امتحانات وزارة الصحه الاماراتيه للصيادلة............ Emptyالأحد 04 يناير 2009, 9:58 pm

المجموعة الاولى جزء 4

i31-pertussis is another name for :i
a- Cough
b- Diphtheria
c- Whooping cough
d- Scarlet fever

i32-in the treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis,antibiotic treatment must be continued for at least :i
a- 6 months
b- 4 months
c- 2 months
d- 1 month

i33-all of the following are prodrugs except :i
a- Sulindac
b- Diazepam
c- Enalapril
d- Sulfasalazine

i34-which route of drug administration is likely to subject a drug to first pass effect ?i
a- Intravenous
b- Inhalation
c- Oral
d- Sublingual

i35-which of the following statements is/are correct?i
a- Ketamine is used in the treatment of migraine
b- Acute systemic anaphylaxis should be treated immediately by IV injection of
c- Sulphonylureas are oral anticoagulants
d- None of the above

i36-verapamil exerts its effects through which of the following actions?i
a- Preventing entry of calcium channels through slow channels
b- Increasing sodium entry
c- Antagonizing the opening of the fast sodium channel
d- None of the above

i37-cardiac glycoside may be useful in treating all of the following except :i
a- Atrial flutter
b- Congestive heart failure
c- Ventricular tachycardia
d- Atrial fibrillation

i38-streptokinase is indicated for the treatment of :i
a- Impaired fat absorption
b- Pulmonary emboli
c- Tuberculosis
d- Psoriasis

i39-tretinoin is used therapeutically :i
a- As a urinary acidifier
b- As an antifungal agent
c- In the treatment of tuberculosis
d- In the treatment of acne

i40-a calcium channel blocker that is used parenterally for cardiac arrythmias is :i
a- Verapamil hcl
b- Nefedipine
c- Captopril
d- Minoxidil

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المجموعة الاولى جزء 5

41-Wich of the following has not been used for the treatment of Parkinsonism ?i
a- Cogentin
b- Artane
c- Tofranil
d- Kemadrin

i42-The drug that is most likely to induce bronchospasm is :i
a- Pindolol
b- Pentoxyfylline
c- Omeprazole
d- Lisinopril

i43-The anti-inflammatory effect of aspirin is due to :i
a- An anticoagulant effect
b- Inhibition of the synthesis of prostaglandins
c- An antigen-antibody reaction
d- All of the above

i44-The most useful drug in the treatment of diabetes insipidus is :i
a- Glibenclamide
b- Insulin
c- Metoclopramide
d- Desmopressin acetate

i45-The tricyclic antidepressant Iimipramine (Tofranil) has been approved by FDA for use in :i
a- Parkinson's disease
b- Hypertension
c- Eneuresis
d- Peptic ulcer
e- None of the above

i46-Regular use of sublingual doses of Nitroglycerin is likely to result in :i
a- Hepatotoxicity
b- Nephrotoxicity
c- Peptic ulcer
d- Tolerance

i47-All of the following are beta blockers except :i
a- Metoprolol (Lopressor)i
b- Nadolol (Corgard)i
c- Enalapril (Renitec)i
d- Propranolol (Inderal)i

i48-Bisacodyl frequently can cause :i
a- Abdominal cramps
b- Constipation
c- Skin rashes
d- Dizziness

i49-An example of a pure opioid antagonist :i
a- Naloxone hcl (Narcan)i
b- Pentazocine (Sosegon)i
c- Nalbuphine(Nubain)i
d- Morphine

i50-Carbamazepine (tegretol) is used for treatment of :i
a- Eneuresis
b- Trigeminal neuralgia
c- Attention of defict disorder
d- Psoriasis

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المجموعة الاولى جزء 6[center]

51-Buspirone (Buspar) is classified pharmacologically as :i
a- Antidepressant
b- Anxiolytic agent
c- Narcotic analgesic
d- Hypnotic

i52-Dilitiazem is used primarily for its ability to produce :i
a- Cough depreaaion
b- Analgesia
c- Calcium channel blockade
d- Emesis

i53-Carbocysteine is an agent used clinically as :i
a- Laxative
b- Cough suppressant
c- Diagnostic agent
d- Mucolytic

i54-The following drugs may be given by sublingual route except :i
a- Digoxin
b- Nifedipine
c- Nitroglycerin
d- Isoprenaline

i55-Match the following antibiotics to the best description given below (a-d)i
a- Betalactam antibiotic active against pseudomonas
b- Pencillinase resistant betalactam
c- Contraindicated in children
d- Inhibits renal m etabolism

i1- Piperacillin
i2- Tetracycline
i3- Flucloxacillin
i4- Cilastin

i56-Disinfectants are expected to destroy or inhibit the growth of microbes which are in :i
a- The vegetative stage
b- The sporing stage
c- Both a and b
d- None of the above

i57-Which of the following is not a storage area for iron:i
a- Reticuloendothelial system
b- Kidney
c- Hepatocytes
d- Muscle

i58-Which of the following is a sulphonylurea antidiabetic drugs?i
a- Chlorpropamide
b- Bum etanide
c- Acetazolamide
d- Frusemide

i59-One drop has a volume of :i
a- 0.5 ml
b- 0.1 ml
c- 0.15 ml
d- Variable, depending on the liquid and the dropper

i60-Ketorolac is used in eye preparations as a/an :i
a- Anti-inflammatory
b- Antihistamine
c- Astringent
d- Corticosteroid

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المجموعة الاولى جزء 7

61-Which of the following drugs is a vasodilator?i
a- Methyldopa
b- Mexitilline
c- Prazocin
d- Propranolol

i62-Which of the following drugs is not associated with haemolytic aneamia?i
a- Mefenamic acid
b- Methyldopa
c- Methadone
d- Methyl testosterone

i63-Which of the following Vitamins is essential in the formation of Prothrombin?i
a- Vitamin A
b- Vitamin B complex
c- Vitamin E
d- Vitamin K

i64-Which of the following is not used as an antitussive ?i
a- Noscapine
b- Pethidine
c- Codeine
d- Diphenhydramine

i65-Which of the following Local Anaesthetics is useful for topical administration only?i
a- Lidocaine
b- Bupivacaine
c- Benzocaine
d- Procaine

i66-The iron preparation given by the intravenous route is:i
a- Ferrous sulphate
b- Iron-dextran
c- Ferrous gluconate
d- Iron-sorbitol citric acid

i67-Carotenoids are precursors for which vitamin?i
a- Vitamine E
b- Vitamine D
c- Vitamine A
d- Vitamine K

i68-Which of the following is recommended for dyspepsia in pregnancy?i
a- Gaviscon
b- Pylorid
c- De-nol
d- Zantac

i69-Which of the following drug interactions is not used therapeutically?i
a- Epinephrine / Lidocaine
b- Probenicid / Penicillin
c- Pseudoephedrine / Salbutamol
d- Trimethoprim / Sulphamethoxazole

i70-The maximum daily dose of Glibenclamide is
a- 2.5 mg/day
b- 5 mg/day
c- 20 mg/day
d- 30 mg/day

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المجموعة الاولى جزء 8

i71-Which of the following is not used to treat psychosis?i

a- Aluoxetine

b- Haloperidol
c- Perphenazine
d- Resperidone

i72-A sympathomimetic often present in OTC appetite suppressant is:i
a- Ephedrine
b- Phenylephedrine
c- Phenylpropanolamine (PPA)i
d- Caffeine

i73-Opioids have the following uses except:i
a- Anti tussive
b- Anti-inflammatory
c- Analgesics
d- Pre anaestetics

i74-Levocabastine is a/an:i
a- Antihistamine
b- Anti microbial
c- Anti inflammatory
d- Corticosteroid

i75-Which of the following is not used as aprophylaxis for migraine?i
a- Pizotifin b- Metoprolol c- Prazocin d- Propranolol
i76-The most common side effect of sublingual glyceryl trinitrate is:i
a- Nausea b- Throbbing headache c- Hypertension d- Skin rash

i77-All of the following are common iodine deficiency symptoms except:i
a- Goitre b- Intellectual disability c- Growth retardation d- Decreased early and late pregnancy miscarriage

i78-Which of the following insulins has the shortest duration of action?i
a- Isophane insulin b- Soluble insulin c- Insulin zinc suspension d- Protamine zinc insulin

i79-Vasopressin (ADH) is used therapeutically for:i
a- Treatment of polyuria caused by hypercalceamia b- Treatment of pituitary diabetes insipidus c- Decrease chest pain in refractory unstable angina d- Increasing uterine contractivity
i80-oral sympathomimetic decongestants should be avoided in patients who have:i
a- Asthma b- Cough c- Hypertension d- Throat infections

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المجموعة الاولى جزء 9

i81-Percentage of total body iodine in thyroid glands is :i
a- 50%
b- 75%
c- 90%
d- 95%

i82-Daily saliva secretion is :i
a- 1 litres
b- 1.5 litres
c- 1.8 litres
d- 2 litres

i83-Normal serum bilirubin is :i
a- 0.5 - 1 mg %i
b- 1 - 3 mg %i
c- 3 - 4 mg %i
d- 4 - 5.5 mg %i

i84-Ovary secretes :i
a- FSH and LH only
b- Oestrogen and Progestrogen only
c- Oestrogen, Progestrogen and Androgen
d- All of these

i85- The absence of anti-A and anti-RH agglutinin plasma means that the subject is :i
a- A+ve or AB+ve
b- A-ve or AB-ve
c- B+ve or AB+ve
d- Type O

i86-The most important buffer in extracellular fluids is:i
a- Acetate
b- Bicarbonate
c- Phosphate
d- Protein

i87- Reticulocytosis indicate :i
a- Increased RBC formation
b- Decreased WBC formation
c- Decreased RBC formation
d- Increased WBC formation

i88-Ketosteroids in urine include :i
a- Adrenal and testicular function
b- Pituitary function
c- Hypothalamic function
d- Pancreatic function

i89-Which blood can be safely given to a patient of blood group AB positive?i
a- AB negative
b- A positive
c- B positive
d- O positive

i90- Function of gall bladder is :i
a- Increase alkalinity of bile
b- Increase concentration of bile
c- Increase intrabiliary presence
d- Increase phosphate level

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المجموعة الاولى جزء 10

i91-Insulin causes :i
a- Increase glucose m etabolism
b- Increase gluconeogenesis
c- Increase lipolysis
d- Increase glycogenolysis

i92- Major pathway of excretion of Calcium is :i
a- Kidney
b- Gut
c- Kidney and Gut
d- None of the above

i93- The secretion of aldosterone is controlled by :i
a- Angiotensin
c- Epinephrine
d- Insulin

i94- First relay station of pain is :i
a- spinal cord
b- Medulla
d- thalamus

i95- Testosterone is secreted by :i
a- sertoli cells
b- leydig cells
c- germ cells
d- adrenal medulla

i96- Which neurotransmitter controls secretion of prolactin?i
a- Dopamine
b- Serotonin
c- Somatostatin

i97- Nucleus of a atom contains :i
a- Electrons
b- Only Protons
c- Electrons and Protons
d- Protons and Neutrons

i98- Which of the following is the fastest to be absorbed from the stomach?i
a- Carbonhydrate
b- Proteins
c- Fats
d- Water

i99- Function of calcitonin is to :i
a- Decrease level of Calcium
b- Increase level of Calcium
c- Increase level of Mg
d- Increase level of Potassium

i100- The following are true of insulin except :i
a- Glycopeptide
b- Secreted by beta cells
c- Causes lipogenesis
d- Promotes glycogenesis

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المجموعة الثانية جزء 1

i1- Which of the following is not a major pathway or type of biotransformations ?i
a- Oxidation
b- Deamination
c- Reduction
d- Hydrolysis
e- Conjugation

i2- Which of the following is not a naturally occurring emulsifier?i
a- Acacia
b- Cholesterol
c- Gelatine
d- Veegum
e- Tragacanth

i3- Which of the following symptoms is not present in digitalis intoxication?i
a- AV block
b- Ventricular tachycardia
c- Vomiting
d- Vagal arrest of the heart
e- Visual disturbances

i4- Which of the following statements about propylthiouracil is false ?i
a- It is used for treatment of hyperthyroidism
b- It inhibits the synthesis of thyroid hormones
c- It diminishes peripheral deiodination of T4 and T3
d- It inhibits iodide oxidation
e- It interferes with the effectiveness of exogenously administered thyroid hormones

i5- All of the following are diuretics except :i
a- Aminophylline
b- Glyburide
c- Spironolactone
d- Bum etamide
e- Chlorthalidone

i6- Which of the following is not a side effect of codeine?i
a- Miosis
b- Nausea
c- Diarrhea
d- Respiratory depression
e- Addiction

i7- All of the following are natural estrogens or congeners except :i
a- Estradiol
b- Diethylstilbestrol
c- Estrone
d- Ethinyl estradiol
e- Estropipate

i8- Epinephrine is not given orally because :i
a- It is inactivated in the gastric mucosa
b- Local vasoconstriction inhibits absorption
c- It is raoidly inactivated in circulation
d- None of the above
e- All of the above

i9- Wich of the following cardiac glycosides does not occur naturally ?i
a- Dogoxin
b- Oubain
c- Digitoxin
d- Amrinone
e- Nitroglycerin

i10- Various opiates may be used as all of the following except :i
a- Analgesics
b- Anti-inflammatories
c- Antidiarreals
d- Aids to anesthesia
e- Antitussive

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المجموعة الثانية جزء 2

i11- Which of the following is not a stimulant laxative ?i
a- Cascara Sagrada
b- Senna
c- Caster oil
d- Bisacodyl
e- Docsate

i12- Which of the following action is not seen with sympathomimetics ?i
a- Pupil constriction
b- Increased heart rate
c- Sweat gland stimulation
d- Bronchiole dilation
e- Systemic blood vessel constriction
i13- All of the following statements about propranolol are true except :i
a- The oral route of administration is preferred
b- Propranolol penetratesin to the CNS
c- Propranolol is primarily biotransformed in the liver
d- Propranolol causes rashes and sore throut
e- It is non selective alpha antagonist
i14- Which of the following drugs is not a proton pump inhibitor ?i
a- Pantoprazole
b- Rabeprazole
c- Lansoprazole
d- Sulfisoxazole
e- Omeprazole
i15- All of the following are side effects of progestins except :i
a- Weight gain
b- Headache
c- Fatigue
d- Constipation
e- Nausea and vomiting
i16-Bacitarcin is not usually given parenterally because of its :i
a- Insolubility
b- Lack of stability
c- Pain at the injection site
d- Lack of potency
e- Nephrotoxicity
i17- Which of the following drugs should not be administered with high fat meals ?i
i|. Indinazir
i||. Riluzole
i|||. Stavudine
a- | only
b- ||| only
c- | and || only
d- || and ||| only
e- | , || and |||i
i18- Each of the following exert antimicrobial action by inhibiting cell wall synthesis except :i
a- Cephalosporins
b- Penicillin
c- Bacitracin
d- Vancomycin
e- Novobiocin
i19- Which of the following antibiotics or group of antibiotics does not act by inhibiting of cell membrane function ?i
a- Erythromycin
b- Amphotericin B
c- Colistin
d- Nystatin
e- Polymyxins
i20-Which of the following diuretics do not cause potassium loss ?i
a- Furosemide
b- Chlorthalidone
c- Triamterene
d- Hydrochlorothiazide
e- Metolazole

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المجموعة الثانية جزء 3

i21- Which is not essential amino acid ?i
a- Threonine
b- Tryptophane
c- Glutamone
d- Methionine

i22- Hypercalcemia does not occur in normal individuals because :i
a- Calcium is rapidly excreted
b- Calcium is rapidly biotransformed
c- Calcium is insoluble
d- Excess calcium is not absorbed

i23- All of the following are true of haemolytic jaundice except :i
a- There is increased production of Bilirubin
b- Urobilinogin concentration is increased in urine
c- Production of Urobilinogin is increased
d- Bilirubin is found in the urine of the patient
e- None of the above because all are true

i24- Which of the following beta-adrenergic agents is not short acting ?i
a- Pirbuterol
b- Salmetrol
c- Terbutaline
d- Albuterol
e- None of the above

i25- Possible treatment of Hypoglycemia does not include :i
a- Insulin
b- Candy
c- Glucose
d- Fruit juce
e- Glucagon

i26- Which of the following Antihypertensive agents has no adverse effect on Glucose tolerance?i

ia. 1 only
ib. 3 only
ic. 1 and 2i
id. 2 and 3i
ie. 1 , 2 and 3 i

i27- Signs and symptoms of acute Otitis media do not include :i
a- Fever
b- Irritability
c- Stuff neck
d- Lethargy
e- The child may be as asymptomatic

i28- Alternative Antibiotics for Otitis media for the child allergic to Penicillin include all of the following except :i
a- Clindamycin
b- Erythromycin
c- Erythromycin – Sulfisoxazole
d- Ciprofloxacin
e- Trimethoprin – Sulfamethoxazole

i29- It is important that the patient recognizes all the following signs as possible Lithium side effects except :i
a- Hand tremors
b- Headaches
c- Mudcle weakness
d- Constipation
e- Polyuria

i30- Which of the following is not useful in the treatment of acute Digoxin toxicity ?i
i1- calcium administration
i2- lidocaine administration
i3- fab fragment antibodies

ia. 1 only
ib. 3only
ic. 1 and 2 only
id. 2 and 3 only
ie. 1 , 2 and 3

[center]المجموعة الثانية جزء 4

i31- Some common patient complaints associated with Anticholinergic drugs include all of the following except :i
a- Urinary retention
b- Sgortness of breath
c- Blurred vision
d- Constipation
e- Dry mouth

i32- Which of the following iron preparations is not available oral dosage form ?i
a- Iron drxtran
b- Ferrous fumarate
c- Ferrous gluconate
d- Ferrous sulphate
e- Polysaccharide – Iron complex

i33- In which of the following conditions is iron supplementation indicated ?i
i1 Primary hemochromatosis
i2 Patient receiving multiple blood transfusions
i3 Pregnancy

a- 1 only
b- 3 Only
c- 1 and 2 only
d- 1, 2 and 3

i34- Some symptoms of iron deficiency include all of the following except :i
a- Fatigue
b- Constant thirst
c- Dystrophy of nails
d- Dysphagia
e- Dispnea on exertion

i35- Which of the following agents would not be indicated for a patient with angina ?i
a- Isosorbide
b- Flecainide
c- Nifedipine
d- Inderal
e- Diltiazem

i36- All of the following may be symptoms of a myocardial infarction except :i
a- Myalgia, Mydriasis and Nocturia
b- Agitated behavior and ahen pallor
c- Nausea, sweating and dyspnea
d- Heartburn, fainting and skipped beats
e- Dental and neck pain, no relief from Nitroglycerin

i37- All of the following are true about morphine except :i
a- May cause diarhoea
b- A m etabolite of codeine
c- Has specific receptors in the GIT
d- May cause vomiting

i38- Which one of the following drugs is not available as antipsychotic depot injection ?i
a- Flupenthixol
b- Fluphenazine
c- Chlorpromazine HCL
d- Haloperidol Decanoate

i39- Which one of the following statements about chloral hydrate is false ?i
a- May cause gastritis
b- Can cause tolerance
c- It is a respiratory stimulant
d- Toxicity is much increased by administration of Ethanol

i40- Which one of the following statements about narcotic analgesics is false ?i
a- Codeine is useful for its anti tussive properties
b- Pentazocine is more addictive than morphine
c- Pentazocine may cause hallucinations
d- Morphine can cause diarhoea

 الموضوع الأصلي : امتحانات وزارة الصحه الاماراتيه للصيادلة............  المصدر : منتدى كل العرب


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المجموعة الثانية جزء 5

i41- Which of the following should not be used to prevent migraine in an asthmatic patient ?i
a- Propranolol (Inderal)i
b- Pizotifen (Sanomigran)i
c- Amitryptyline (Tryptizol)i
d- Clonidine (Dixarit)i

i42- Which of the following is not a benzodiazepine ?i
a- Alprazolam
b- Clobazem
c- Chlormethiazole
d- Chlordiazepoxide

i43- Which of the following is true about Benzodiazepines ?i
a- Patients can develop a psychological dependence
b- Patients can develop a withdrawal syndrome
c- Patients can develop tolerance to the drug
d- All of the above

i44- Dopamine tablets cannot be used to treat Parkinson’s disease because it :i
a- Does not cross blood brain barrier
b- Is too toxic after long term administration
c- Is transformed to L-dopa by the autonomic neurons
d- Is not m etabolized by mono amine oxidase

i45- Which of the following drugs cause insomnia ?i
a- MAOI’s
b- Caffeine
c- Beta blockers
d- Barbiturates
e- a, b and c

i46- Which of the following is not effective for partial seizures ?i
a- Phenytoin
b- Ethosuximide
c- Carbamazepine
d- Lamotrigine

i47- Amitryptyline causes all of the following except :i
a- Hypotension in the elderly
b- Raising of the seizure threshold
c- Sedation
d- Constipation

i48- All of the following are clinical applications of desmopressin except :i
a- Diabetes Insipidus
b- Nocturnal eneuresis
c- Urinary retention
d- Post operative poly urea

i49- All of the following have very limited crossing through inflamed meninges except :i
a- Clavulanic acid salts
b- Penicillin
c- Teicoplanin
d- Erythromycin

i50- All of the following are mainly Bacteriostatics except :i
a- Chloramphenicol
b- Sulphadiazine
c- Ampicillin
d- Tetracycline

جموعة الثانيةجزء 6

i51- The following antibiotics are used for treatment of acne in many patients except :i
a- Erythromycin
b- Neomycin
c- Clindamycin
d- Tetracycline

i52- The following can be used as topical and systemic Antibacterial preparations except :i
a- Fucidic acid
b- Mupirocin
c- Tetracycline hcl
d- Gentamycin

i53- Which one of the following is not an indication for potent, topical corticosteroids ?i
a- Chronic Discoid Lupus Erythematosus
b- Psoriasis
c- Lichen simplex chronicus
d- Hypertrophic lichen planus

i54- All of the following statements of Acyclovir are true except :i
a- It is a nucleoside antiviral drug
b- It is converted to triphosphate and subsequently inhibits synthesis of viral DNA
c- It is analogue of purine ----bolites
d- It is available topically and orally

i55- Stability of pharmaceutical products is affected by the following factors except :i
a- Temperature and humidity
b- Composition of drug product
c- Dosage form and packing material
d- Dose strength and pack size

i56- Aqueous film coating has the following properties except :i
a- Hygroscopic in nature
b- Gastric fluid resistant
c- Water soluble coating
d- Less costly to manufacture

i57- The treatment of choice for Kaposi’s sarcoma is which one of the following ?i
a- Bleomycin
b- Dactinomycin
c- Doxorubicin
d- Mitomycin

i58- All of the following drugs are Neuroleptics with the exception of one which is :i
a- Butyrophenones
b- Trifluoperazine
c- Diphenylbutyl piperidines
d- Benzhexol

i59- The following characteristics and uses apply to interferon alpha except for one :i
a- It is a protein
b- It is obtained from lymphoblastoid source
c- It is an injectable preparation
d- It is a hormone

i60- Mono Amine Oxidase Inhibitor’s include the following except :i
a- Tranylcypromine
b- Phenalazine
c- Thioridazine
d- Moclobemide

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المجموعة الثانية جزء 7

i61- Prostate cancer is treated by the following except for one :i
a-cyproterone acetate

i62- m etabolism of ethyl Alcohol involves all the following pathways except :i
a- Oxidation
b- Conversion to acetaldehyde and acetate
c- Excreted unchanged through the lungs and kidneys
d- Sulphate conjugation

i63- The following statements apply to Azathioprine except for one :i
a- It is immunosuppressant
b- It is m etabolized in the body to active 6 Mercaptopurine
c- It is classified as antim etabolite
d- It is used to treat body rejection after organ surgical transplant

i64- Which of the following is not cytotic ?i
a- Alkylating drugs
b- Cytotoxic antibiotics
c- Corticosteroids
d- Vinca alkaloids

i65- Which of the following is not used as Antimanic drug ?i
a- MAOI’s
b- Carbamazepine
c- Benzodiazepine
d- Lithium carbonate

i66- Which of the following statements about Naloxone is false ?i
a- It is a pure antagonist to Morphine
b- It cause Euphoria
c- It is used in the treatment of Opiate overdose
d- It causes a withdrawal syndrome when given to an opiate dependent subject

i67- Which of the following drugs is not a Tricyclic Antidepressant?i
a- Trimipramine
b- Maprotiline
c- Nortryptiline
d- Imipramine HCL

i68- Captopril and Enalapril do all the following except :i
a- Increase rennin concentration in blood
b- Inhibit an enzyme
c- Competively blocks Angiotensin || at it’s receptors
d- Raises the blood Potassium concentration

i69- Wich of the following drugs is not used in the treatment of Parkinson’s disease ?i
a- Benzhexol
b- Amantadine
c- Chlorpromazine
d- Carbidopa

i70- Which of the following drugs is not classified as Antipsychotic drug ?i
a- Chlorpromazine
b- Pimozide
c- Risperidone
d- Buspirone

المجموعة الثانيةجزء 8

i71- Which of the following statements is false about Amphetamine ?i
a- Decrease restlessness
b- Induces hypersensitivity in children
c- Decrease appetite
d- It is a controlled drug

i72- Which of the following statements is false about Diamorphine i(Heroin)i?i
a- Causes nausea and vomiting
b- A respiratory depressant
c- Has potent Atropine like properties
d- Converted in the body to Atropine

i73- A package insert lists a drug dose for a neonate as being 10- microgram/kg/day. The age range for a neonate is considered to be
a- Birth to 1 month
b- 1 month to 6 months
c- Birth to 1 week
d- 1 year through 5 years

i74- The child’s dose of a drug is reported as 1.2 mg/kg/ body weigh. What is the appropriate does for a child weighing 60 lb ?i
a- 6 mg
b- 9 mg
c- 32 mg
d- 72 mg
e- 126 mg

i75- The infusion of Theophyline established for a neonate is
i0.08mg/kg/hr. how many ml of drug are needed for one daily bottle if the body weigh is 16 lb?i
a- 0.58mg
b- 14mg
c- 30mg
d- 150mg
e- 8mg

i76- Blood Pressure measurements were made for 1 week on fivepatients with the following averages

Patient 1 2 3 4 5

B.P 140/70 160/84 180/88 190/90 150/70

What is the median systole pressure ?i
a- 80
b- 83
c- 84
d- 160
e- 164

i77- The concentration of Sodium Fluoride in a community’s drinking water is 0.6ppm.express this concentration as a percentage
a- 0.00006%
b- 0.0006%
c- 0.006%
d- 0.06%
e- 0.6%

i78- Lanoxin pediatric elixir contains 0.05mg of Digoxin per ml. how many micrograms are there in 3 ml of the elixir ?i
a- 0.15micrograms
b- 0.015micrograms
c- 1.5micrograms
d- None of the above

i79- A pharmacist add 1 pint of Alcohol USP to 1 L of a mouthwash formula. What is the new percentage of alcohol present if original mouthwash was labeled as 12% V/V ?i
a- 30%
b- 38%
c- 45%
d- 57%
e- 59%

i80- A prescription calls for the dispensing of 4% Pilocar solution with the direction of “ Gtt I OU TID” . How many mg of Pilocarpine HCL is being used per day ? Assume that the dropper is calibrated to deliver i20 drops to the ml

a- 4mg
b- 6mg
c- 12mg
d- 24mg
e- 60mg

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المجموعة الثانية جزء 9

i81- The ***** intravenous (IV) dose of Zidovudine is 2mg / kg q 4hrs six times a day . How many mg will a 180-lb patient receive daily ?i
b-164 mg
d-980 mg
e-2160 mg

i82- A pharmacist dilutes 100ml of Clorox with 1 quart of water
Express the concentration of Sodium Hypochlorite in the final dilution as a W/V ratio. Commercial Clorox contains i5.25% W/V Sodium Hypochlorate
a- 1/9
b- 1/10
c- 1/100
d- 1/180
e- 1/200

Questions 83 and 84 relate to the following hospital formula
for a T-A-C solution
Cocaine HCL 4%
Tetracaine HCL 2%
Epinephrine HCL solution 1/2000
Sodium Chloride injection qs 4ml

i83- How many mg of Cocaine HCL is in the final solution?i
a- 400mg
b- 4mg
c- 20mg
d- 8mg
e- 160mg

i84- How many ml of Adrenaline Chloride solution (0.1%) may be used to prepare the solution?i
a- 0.002ml
b- 0.04ml
c- 1ml
d- 2ml
e- 5ml

i85- An administration set delivers 60 drops to the ml. How many drops per minute are needed to obtain 20 units of Heparin per minute if the IV admixture contains 15,000 units per 250ml of Normal Saline?i
a- 20
b- 40
c- 60
d- 80
e- 120

i86- Dopamine (Inotropin) 200mg in 500ml of Normal Saline at 5 microgram/kg/min is ordered for a 155-lb patient. What is the final concentration of solution in micro/ml ?i
a- 0.4micrograms
b- 2.5micrograms/ml
c- 40micrograms/ml
d- 400micrograms/ml
e- 25microgram/ml

i87- The estimated Creatinine clearance rate for a 120lb patient is i40ml/min. what maintenance dose should be administered if the normal maintenance dose is 2mg/lb of the body weight ?i
a- 60mg
b- 100mg
c- 120mg
d- 160mg
e- 240mg

i88- A pharmacist repackages 10 lb of an ointment in to jars to be labeled 2 oz(with). How many jars can be filled ?i
a- 73
b- 80
c- 83
d- 88
e- 100

i89- How many ml of Glycerin would be needed to prepare 1 lb of an ointment containing i5% W/W Glycerin ? (The density of glycerin is 1.25g/ml)i
a- 1.2ml
b- 18.2ml
c- 22.7ml
d- 24ml
e- 28.4ml

i90- A hospital clinic requests 2 lb of 2% Hydrocortisone ointment. How many grams of 5% Hydrocortisone ointment could be diluted with White Petrolatum to prepare this order?i
a- 18.2g
b- 27.5g
c- 45.4g
d- 363g
e- 545g

[center]المجموعة الثانية جزء 10

i91- How many grams of Glacial Acetic Acid (99.9% W/V) must be added to 1 gal Purified Water to prepare an irrigation solution containing 0.25% W/V Acetic Acid ?i
a- 1.2g
b- 9.5g
c- 12g
d- 20g
e- 95g

i92- What is the decay constant (K) of the Radio-Isotope 32P if its half life is 14.3 days. Assume that Radiopharmaceutical follow first t- order kinetics
a- 0.048/day
b- 0.07/day
c- 0.097/day
d- 0.1/day
e- 0.15/day

i93- A pre------ion calls for 25 m. eq. of Potassium Chloride
How many grams of KCL (MW 74.6) are needed?i
a- 7.46g
b- 0.746g
c- 8.86g
d- 1.86g
e- 0.186g

i94- How many milliliters of a 10% KCL (MW 74.6) solution contain 5.0 mEq of K+ ?i
a- 2.100ml
b- 21.000ml
c- 3.730ml
d- 37.300ml
e- 0.373ml

i95- The dose of a drug is 0.5mg/kg. What dose should be given to a 6 years old child who weigh 44 lb ?i
a- 0.003g
b- 0.033g
c- 0.010g
d- 0.100g
e- 0.050g

i96- If a pre------ion order requires 30 g of concentrated Sulfuric Acid (density is 1.8g/ml) , What volume should the pharmacist measure ?i

i97- Calculate the weight of 25ml of Hydrochloric Acid whose density is 1.18g/ml
a- 29.500g
b- 2.950g
c- 0.295g
d- 295.00g
e- None of the above

i98- Convert 2 pints 3 fluid ounces into ml
a- 1500ml
b- 1050ml
c- 150ml
d- 105ml
e- 10.5ml

i99- Convert 60 grams to grains
a- 9240 grains
b- 924 grains
c- 9.24 grains
d- 0.924 grains
e- 0.0924 grains

i100- The dose of a drug is 0.6mg
How many doses are contained in 96mg of the drug ?i
a- 16
b- 160
c- 360
d- 600
e- None of the above

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الاجابات الصحيحه للمجموعه الثانيه..




















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المجموعة الثالثة جزء1

i1- Seminal vesicles are present between
a- Prostate and anus
b- Prostate and rectum
c- Bladder and rectum
d- Prostate and bladder

i2- Seminal vesicles secrete
a- Prostaglandins
b- Inhibin
c- Acid phosphatase
d- All of the above

i3- Clitoris develops from
a- Genital tubercle
b- Genital ridge
c- Mullerian duct
d- Urogenital sinus

i4- Commonest anatomical site of appendix is
a- Paraceacal
b- Retroceacal
c- Illeal
d- Pelvic

i5- The shortest part of the colon is
a- Ascending colon
b- Transvers colon
c- Descending colon
d- Sigmoid colon

i6- Which of the following factors affect the distribution of a drug?i
a- Lipid solubility
b- Plasma protein binding
c- Polarity
d- Molecular size
e- All of the above

i7- The rate of zero-order reactions
a- Changes constantly
b- Is independent of temperature
c- is independent of concentration
d- Holds only for light catalyzed reaction
e- Holds only for radio active compounds

i8- A source of anticarcinogenic drugs is
a- Belladona
b- Nux vomica
c- Vinca rosea
d- Cascara
e- Digitalis

i9- If a central nervous system (cns) drug is extensively ionized at the ph of blood it will
a- Penetrate the blood – brain barrier slowly
b- penetrate the blood – brain barrier rapidly
c- Not penetrate the blood – brain barrier
d- Be eliminated slowly
e- Not to be distributed to any tissue sites

i10- Most drugs are
a- Strong electrolytes
b- Weak electrolytes
c- Non electrolytes
d- Highly ionic
e- None of the above

المجموعة الثالثة جزء2

i11- The major mechanism of degradation of drugs in the gi is
a- Oxidation
b- Hydrolysis
c- Acetylation
d- Conjugation
e- Reduction
i12- The buffer equation is also known as
a- Young’s equation
b- Charles equation
c- Henderson-hasselbalch equation
d- Strokes’ law
e- None of the above
i13- Radioactive decay follows a
a- Mixed order
b- Fractional order rate
c- Zero order rate
d- First order rate
e- Second order rate
i14- The most common disintergrator in compressed tablets is
a- Dextrose
b- Lactose
c- Starch
d- Potassium bitartrate
e- Powdered sucrose
i15- An antidote for heparin overdose is
a- Protamine sulphate
b- Bal
c- Atropine
d- Cacium salts
e- Dicumarol
i16- Salicylic acid is used primarily as an (a)i
a- Analgesic
b- Antipyretic
c- Cough suppressant
d- Uricosuric agent
e- Keratolytic agent
i17- Which of the following is found in vitamin b12?i
a- Magnesium
b- Nickel
c- Iron
d- Cobalt
e- Manganese
i18- freeze dying is based on
a- pressure filtration
b- sublimation
c- polymerization
d- pasteurization
e- densification
i19-the most prevalent commercial solid dosage forms are
f- Hard capsules
g- Soft gelatin capsules
h- Tablets
i- Bulk powders
j- Divided powders
i20- Ointments are typically used as
i|. Emollients
i||. Protective barriers
i|||. Vehicles for applying drugs
a- |. Only
b- |||. Only
c- | and || only
d- || and ||| only
e- |, || and |||i

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المجموعة الثالثة جزء3

i21- A humectant retards
a- Bacterial growth
b- Degradation
c- Surface evaporation
d- Spreadability
e- All of the above

i22- Starch is used in tabletting as a
i|. Binder
i||. Glidant
i|||. Disintegrant

a- ||. Only
b- |||. Only
c- | and || only
d- || and ||| only
e- |, || and |||i

i23- Gums are used in tabletting primarily as
a- Disintegrators
b- Glidants
c- Lubricants
d- Binding agents
e- Both b and c

i24- Vanishing creams are classified as
a- Oleaginous
b- Absorption bases
c- Water-soluble bases
d- O/w bases
e- W/o bases

i25- Syrup nf is
a- Self preserving
b- A supersaturated solution
c- A dilute solution
d- high unstable
e- flavored and preserved

i26- Reaction rate is increased most rapidly by
a- Humidity
b- High temperature
c- Freezing
d- Photolysis
e- Hydrolysis

i27- Gmp regulations are promulgated and revised by
a- Congress
b- State boards of pharmacy
c- The dea
d- The fda
e- The epa

i28- Ferritin is a (an)i
a- Vitamin
b- Micelle
c- Emulsion
d- Amino acid

i29- Vitamin b6 is also known as
a- Thiamine
b- Riboflavin
c- Niacin
d- Pyridoxine
e- Cyanocobalamine

i30- Sunscreen preparations containing p aminobenzoic acid should be
a- Used sparingly
b- Applied 2 hrs before exposure
c- Packaged in air-resistant containers
d- Packaged in light-resistant containers
e- Used only on arrears other than the face

المجموعة الثالثة جزء4

i31- Which of the following statements is (are) true for undecylenic acid?i
i|. It is often used as zinc salt
i||. It may cause irritation and sensitization
i|||. It is most fungistatic of the fatty acids

a- |. Only
b- |||. Only
c- |. And ||. Only
d- ||. And ||| only
e- |, || and |||i

i32- Which of the following is classified as fat soluble?i
a- Vitamin d
b- Niacin
c- Ascorbic acid
d- Thiamine hydrochloride
e- Riboflavin

i33- The active constituents of saline laxatives are
a- Absorbable anions
b- Nonabsorbable anions
c- Tribasic cations
d- Absorbable cations and anions
e- Nonabsorbable cations and anions

i34- Bismuth subsalicylate is used in antidiarrheals for its
a- Hydrophobic action
b- Hydrophilic action
c- Adsorbent action
d- Absorbent action
e- Antibacterial action

i35- Cellulose acetate phthalate is used in pharmacy as a (an)i
a- Emulsifier
b- Enteric coating material
c- Suspending agent
d- Flavoring agents
e- Excipient

i36- Coca butter (theobroma oil) is used as a suppository base because of its
a- Solubility
b- Melting point
c- Miscibility
d- Reactivity
e- Lipophilic properties

i37- The most widely used method for sterilization of pharmaceutical is
a- Microfiltration
b- Radiation
c- Ethylene oxide exposure
d- Moist heat
e- Dry heat

i38- Ophthalmic solutions should be formulated to include which of the folloeing?i
i|. Sterility
i||. Isotonicity
i|||. Buffering

a- |. Only
b- ||. Only
c- |. And || only
d- ||. And |||. Only
e- |, || and |||i

i39- Soda lime is used as a (an)i
a- Alkalinizer
b- Therapeutic agent in topical preparations
c- Stabilizer in emulsions
d- Reagent for absorption of carbon dioxide
e- Preservative in aromatic waters

i40- The limulus test is relatively new method of testing for
a- Pyrogens
b- Microbial growth
c- Acidity
d- Creaming
e- Lack of osmolarity

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المجموعة الثالثة جزء5

i41- Which of the following is associated with excessive infusion of of hypotonic fluids?i
a- Hemolysis
b- Hyperglycemia
c- Dehydration
d- Glycosuria
e- None of the above
i42- Which of the following is associated with excessive infusion of hypertonic dextrose?i
a- Loss of electrolytes
b- Hyperglycemia
c- Dehydration
d- Glycosuria
e- All of the above
i43- Normal rectal temperature is usually
a- Measured in the morning
b- Measured in the evening
c- About same as the normal oral temperature
d- About 1c lower than oral
e- About 1c higher than oral
i44- The latin oculo utro is translated to mean
a- Right eye
b- Each eye
c- Left eye
d- Each ear
e- Right ear
i45- Advantages of tablets over liquid dose forms include the following
i|. Enhanced stability
i||. Ease of administration
i|||. Greater accuracy of dosing
a- ||. Only
b- |||. Only
c- |. And ||. Only
d- || and ||| only
e- |, || and |||i
i46- The latin post cibos can be translated to mean
a- After meals
b- Before meals
c- With meals
d- Without meals
e- On the empty stomach
i47- Prednisone is converted to which of the following by the liver?i
a- Cortisone
b- Hydrocortisone
c- Prednisolone
d- Methylprednisolone
e- Dexamethasone
i48- The principal use of magnesium stearate in pharmaceutics is as a(an)i
a- Lubricant
b- Antacid
c- Source of mg ion
d- Disintegrator
e- Binder
i49- Activated charcoal is used in some antidotes because of which of its properties?i
a- Neutralizing
b- Emetic
c- Absorptive
d- Adsorptive
e- Stabilizing
i50- The major use of titanium dioxide in pharmacy is in
a- Sunscreens
b- Antacid tablets
c- Capsules as a diluent
d- Effervescent salts
e- Emulsions

المجموعة الثالثة جزء6

i51- Which of the following is used as a hemostatic agent?i
a- Heparin
b- Oxycel
c- Coumadins
d- Indanediones
e- None of the above
i52- An other name of extended insulin zinc suspension is
a- Nph
b- Lente
c- Ultralente
d- Regular
e- None of the above
i53- The latin oculus sinister means
a- Right eye
b- Left eye
c- Both ears
d- Both eyes
e- Right ear
i54- The recommended method of mixing insulins is to
a- Shake vigorously
b- Mix gently by rolling between palms of hands
c- Add simultaneously to container
d- Add lente insulin first then regular insulin
e- None of the above
i55- The formulation of different active ingredients that have been judged to produce similar effects are called
i|. Generic *****alence
i||. Therapeutic *****alence
i|||. Pharmaceutical *****alence
A-|. Only
B-||. Only
C-|. And || only
D-|, || and |||i
i56- Which of the following is a true statement regarding transdermal delivery systems?i
a- Products from different manufactures require identical amounts of the active ingredient to yield *****alent responses
b- Skin thickness is not a factor in drug absorption
c- The transdermal unit should always be placed at the same site
d- The transdermal unit contains more drug than is needed for delivery into the bodyover the prescribed the period of use
e- The transdermal unit may remain attached to the skin after the labeled delivery period because drug absorption cases
i57-dosage of anticonvulsants is adjusted
A-when seizures occur frequently
B-every 2 weeks
C-every 2 years
D- only when side effects are seen
i58-which of the following agents is associated with tinnitus as a result of toxicity?i
a- Salicylate
b- Phenytoin
c- Propranolol
d- Acetaminophen
e- Cyclobenzaprine
i59-parkinson is probably due to
A- too little dopamine in the brain
B- too little levodopa in the brain
C- too little acetylcholine in the brain
D- too much levodopa in the brain
E- too much dopamine in the brain
i60-the greatest threat from the morphine poisoning is
A- renal shutdown
B- paralysis of spinal chord
C- respiratory depression
D- cardiovascular collapse
E- none of the above

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المجموعة الثالثة جزء7

i61- a specific narcotic antagonist is
A- meperidine
B- polybrene
C- nalorphine
D-universal antidote
E- meprobamate

i62- wich of the following is used to curtail chronic uric acid stone formation?i
A- allopurinol
B- trimethoprim
C- mehtenamine
D-ethacrynic acid
E- furosemide

i63-wich of the following is used to lower blood lipid levels?i
A- trimethadione
B- colesevelam
E- propranolol

i64- capecitabine is used to treat
A- hypertension
B- muscular injuries
C- ulcers
D- breast cancer
E- congestive heart failure

i65- magnesium ion is necessary in
A- stimulating enzyme systems
B- muscular contractions
C- nerve conduction
D- all of the above
E- none of the above

i66- a class of plant alkaloids widely used to treat migraine is
A- vinic al kaloids
C- stramonium alkaloids
D- ergot alkaloids
E- belladonna alkaloids

i67- cyclosporine is used for
A- allergies
B- angina
C- prevention of transplant rejection
D-steroids deficiency
E- treating lead poisoning

i68-pantoprazole is used primarilt to treat
A- gastric hyperacidity
B- hypertension
C-cardiac insufficiency
D- gout
E- migraine headache

i69- citalopram is a(an)i
A- diuretic
B- cardiotonic
C- antidepressant
E- anthelmintic

i70- daunorubicin and doxorubicin have been commonly associated with
A- ulcers
B- cardiac toxicity
C- colitis
D- gout

المجموعة الثالثة جزء8

i71- in which of the following dosage is nicotine available when used as smoking detergent?i
A- transdermal

B- nasal drops
C- gum
D- a and c
E- a, b and c

i72-folic acid administration has been recommended during pregnancy to prevent which of the following congenital problems?i
A- spina bifida
B- cystic fibrosis
C- patent ductus arteriosus
D- limb deformations
E- cleft palate

i73- an advantage of amoxicillin over ampicillin is that it
A- is more acid stable
B- is not destroyed by pencillinase
C- has a broad spectrum
D- does not cause allergies
E- has a longer ----f of life

i74- Arsenic trioxide was approved by the fda in 2000 to treat which of the following disease?i

a- Leukemia
b- Muscle spasms
c- Parkinson's disease
d- Neuralgias
e- Colon cancer

i75- Primidone, used in the treatment of generalized tonic-clonic seizures , is m etabolized to
a- Phenytoin
b- Phenobarbital
c- Metformin
d- Carbamazepine
e- None of the above

i76-vincristine has been commonly associated with which of the following adverse events?i
A- neurotoxicity
B- gout
C- duodenal ulcers
D- blood clotting
E- none of the above

i77-dolasetron, a 5-ht3 antagonist is an(a)i
a- B- adrenergic blocker
b- Antiemetic
c- Glucocorticoid
d- Local anesthetic
e- Sunscreen

i78-cholestyramine resin has the prevalent side effect of
a- Blocking absorption of some vitamins
b- Raising cholesterol levels
c- Causing intoxication
d- Increasing sensitivity to uv light
e- All of the above

i79- lorazepam produces which of the following action(s)?i
A- sedation
B- loss of memory
C- reduction of anxiety
D- all of the above
E- none of the above

i80- Timolide combines the action of nonselective beta blocking agent and a(an)i
a- Diuretic
b- Cardiotonic
c- Selective beta blocker
d- Anti-inflammatory agent
e- Vasoconstrictor

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المجموعة الثالثة جزء9

i80- Timolide combines the action of nonselective beta blocking agent and a(an)i
a- Diuretic
b- Cardiotonic
c- Selective beta blocker
d- Anti-inflammatory agent
e- Vasoconstrictor

i81- Which of the following drugs has been associated with reye's syndromein children?i
a- Aspirin
b- Acetaminophen
c- Ibuprofen
d- Naproxen
e- Phenobarbital

i82- Ultra-short acting barbiturates are used primarily as
a- Sedatives
b- Hypnotics
c- Antispasmodic agents
d- Anti-parkinsonian agents
e- Preanesthetic agents

i83- Norethindrone is a drug commonly used in
a- Mixed estrogens
b- Oral contraceptives
c- Treating carcinomas
d- Diagnostic testing
e- Abortifacients

i84- Some anti-convulsant (e.g., carbamazepine, phenytoin, gabapentin) are fda approved to treat seizures but have also been effective in the treatment of
a- Parkinsonism
b- Neuralgias or neuropathies
c- Colitis
d- Nausea
e- All of the above

i85- Efavirenz is classified as a(an)i
a- Muscle relaxant
b- Sedative hypnotic
c- Tranquilizer
d- Analgesic
e- Antiviral

i86- Lepirudin is used mainly to treat
a- Gastritis
b- Minor anxiety states
c- Heparin-induced thrombocytopenia
d- Severe pain
e- Nausea

i87- Histamine is found in the human body in
a- The granules of mast cells in the blood
b- The mucosal layer of the gi tract
c- The hypothalamus
d- A and b
e- A, b and c

i88- Orlistat is used as a(an)i
a- Narcotic antagonist
b- Narcotic analgesic
c- Weight loss agent
d- Antiepileptic
e- Anesthetic

i89- Antipsychotics usually act on the
a- Cerebrum
b- Cerebellum
c- Lower brain areas
d- Brain and spinal chord
e- Nerve endings

i90- Lidocaine is used as a local anesthetic or as a(an)i
a- General anesthetic
b- Antipruritic
c- Preanesthetic
d- Antiarrhythmic
e- Analgesic

المجموعة الثالثة جزء10

i91- Cocaine has a long duration of local anesthetic action because it is
a- More stable than most local anesthetics
b- Readily absorbed
c- Not biotransformed
d- A vasoconstrictor
e- None of the above

i92- Tenecteplase is used primarily to reduce mortality associated with which of the following clinical problems?i
a- Diabetes
b- Myocardial infarction
c- Hemorrhage
d- Prostate cancer
e- None of the above

i93- Albiterol is usually administered by which route?i
a- Iv
b- Im
c- Nasal
d- Rectal
e- Oral

i94- Nateglinide is used most commonly to treat
a- Aids
b- Genital herpes
c- Diabetes
d- Cmv retinitis
e- Influenza

i95- Barbiturates, in general, are particularly noted for
a- Lack of habituation
b- Producing microsomal enzymes in liver
c- Instability
d- Slow absorption
e- Poor oral absorption

i96- Meloxicam exerts its action because it is a(an)i
a- Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory
b- Mao inhibitor
c- Alkaline
d- Calcium channel blocker
e- Acid

i97- Oxcarbazepine is used to treat
a- Partial seizures
b- Hdogkin's disease
c- Angina pectoris
d- Breast cancer
e- Depression

i98- Which of the following is classified as a cholinergic antagonist?i
a- Acetylcholine
b- Neostigmine
c- Atropine
d- Bethanecol
e- Methacholine

i99- Nitroglucerin has a relatively short-half life due to
a- Its volatility
b- Its chemical instability
c- Its poor absorption
d- First-pass ----bolism
e- All of the above

i100- Trihexylphenidyl is used to treat
a- Parkinsonism
b- Angina
c- Xerostomia
d- Glaucoma
e-Muscle spasms

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إجابات المجموعة الثالثة



















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المجموعة الرابعة جزء 1

i1- Which of the following NSAIDs is available in a parenteral form?
A. Ibuprofen
B. Ketorolac
C. Tolmetin
D. Piroxicam
E. None of the above

2- Muscle relaxant are seldom used for more
A. 2 to 3 weeks because Of toxicity
B. Of instability
C. Of short duration of need
D. Of tolerance being developed
E. They are used longer commonly

3- Linezolid is used against infections caused by antibiotic resistant
A. Gram- positive cocci
B. Gram- negative bacilli
C. HIV virus
D. Gram-positive bacilli
E. None of the above

4-Nateglinide stimulates the release of
A. Insulin
B. Epinephrine
C. Glucose
D. Glucagon
E. Norepinephrine

5- Mifeprostone is a receptor antagonist of which hormone?
A. Estrogen
B. Thyroid
C. Insulin
D. Cortisol
E. Progesterone

6- Rivastigmine has the primary action of inhibiting
A. Acetyl cholinesterase
B. Epinephrine
C. Gastric acid
D. Calcium influx
E. Histamine release

7- Which of the following are low molecular- weight heparin?
A. Tinzaparin
B. Enoxaparin
C. Dalteparin
D.B and C
E. A.B and C

8- Ocular timolo is used primary in
A. Glaucoma
B. Pink eye
C. conjunctivitis
D. Eye infections
E. Eye cleaners

9- Sucralfate is used for short term theraoy of
A. Ulcers
B. Hypertension
C. Carcinomas
D. Calcium depletion
E. Dental caries

10- Lorazepam is classified as
A. Loop diuretic
B. MAO inhibitor
C. Thiazide diuretic
D. Dibenzazepine
E. Polycyclic amine

المجموعة الرابعة جزء 2

i11- probantheline is contraindicated in patients with
A. Glaucoma
B. Myasthenia gravis
C. Obstructive disease of Gl tract
D. Ulcerative colitis
E. All of the above

12- Antiepileptics as a group are noted for developing or causing
A. Rashes
B. Atrial tachycardias
C. Tolerance
D. Spasms
E. Headache

13- Selenium sulfide is used
A. Orally
B. Tolerance
C. By injection
D. By none of the a bove
E. By all of the a bove

14-Zonisamide is considered a broad spectrum
A. Antibiotic
B. Anticonvulsant
C. Antiviral
E. Antihistamine

15- Baclofen is used primarily as a(an)
A. Sympathomimetic
B. Antianxiety agent
C. Muscle relaxant
D. Antispasmodic
E. Tranquilizer

16- Beta interferon is used to treat
A. *****- onset diabetes
B. Hypertension
C. cardiac insufficiency
D. Multiple sclerosis
E. Ulcers

17-. Aprevalent side effect of propylthiouracil is
A. Hearing loss
B. Visual impairment
C. Acidosis
D. Leukopenia
E. Muscular spasm

18- candassartan is used as a(an)
A. Diuretic
B. Antihypertensive
C. Hypnotic
D. Sedative
E. Antidepressant

19- the pharmacologic actions of sulindac include
1.Anti-inflammatory properties
11.Analgesic properties
111.Antipyretic properties

F. 1only
I. 11and111only
J. 1,11and111

20- Mirtazapine is used to treat symptoms of
A. Depression
B. Parkinsonism
C. Gout
D. Petit mal epilepsy
E. None of the above

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